Virtual & Social Media Services:

The Helping Hand Your Business Needs

As your virtual assistant, BizzyBee is your right-hand woman. Whether you’re searching for social media virtual assistant services, e-commerce management, admin assistance or accountability and diary organisation, I’m here to lessen the load and keep you focused on your areas of expertise.

Content Creation & Management

We all know that social media can help our brands grow. But it’s extremely time consuming. Social media, blog articles, podcasts and email newsletters are a lot to juggle without all your other daily tasks.

With my Social Media virtual assistant services, the quality of your content remains high because you’re no longer overstretched.

Nail your content strategy and grow your brand’s following without the burn-out. Use the arrows signs to discover what’s included in BizzyBee’s Content Creation and Management services.

  • With me by your side, your social media content will no longer be a drain on your time.
    Custom content creation tailored to your brand’s:

    ✏️ unique content pillars

    ✏️ social media strategy

    ✏️ Depending on your budget, you can have prepared for you; social media graphics, videos and reels, stories and captions are one less thing to worry about!

    By tying up your platforms' loose ends, you can breathe easy knowing your brand is constantly providing valuable content that followers can’t get enough of.

  • Your website exists to gain traffic and hit those conversion goals. But *how* do you get the traffic in the first place?
    The best way to gain results: blog articles.

    If you’re trying to consistently post blogs but find that formatting, designing, optimising and scheduling them are too time-consuming to deliver, I’ve got the perfect solution for you.

    You’ll share your blog articles with me - whether that’s in a database or via email.

    Once sent, you won’t have to worry about:

    ✍🏻 Formatting your blog with the relevant headings

    ✍🏻 Designing your blog with images that work for both your topic and your brand

    ✍🏻 Optimising your images with alt text

    ✍🏻 Writing the meta-titles and descriptions for the SERPs

    ✍🏻 Scheduling your article for consistent posting

  • Podcasts are growing in popularity and are a great method of content to help build trust, personality and relationships with the right people. But, until you launch one, so many brand owners don’t realise the time and effort that goes into turning a recording into a podcast episode.

    When working on your podcast with me, your plate will be clear of:

    🎙️ Editing your recordings (a third party is brought on board to go through and edit out any ‘umms’ and giggles you don’t want

    🎙️ Promotional content creation surrounding your podcasts (including social media posts and stories and emails)

    🎙️ Scheduling your episodes so they are released in a consistent way. Your listeners will expect an episode routinely, so allow us to meet their expectations for you

    🎙️Accountability to make you provide the content on time to meet your audience

  • Sending a routine newsletter via email helps your warm leads know what your brand is up to.

    Prepare them for any upcoming sales, releases or launches and cultivate a growing relationship between brand and ideal consumer. But it can be easy for your newsletters to fall to the bottom of your priority list when times are busy.

    So, allow me to:

    📧 Take your written content in document form (you’ll share your newsletters in advance) and turn it into a beautifully designed email

    📧 Implement any conditional formatting if you’ve got more than one segment or criteria for receiving it

    📧 Schedule your newsletters on a consistent timescale that matches your ability to create

Digital Marketing

We all spend a lot of time online. So it’s really obvious why digital marketing proves real results. But it can be a minefield to navigate when you’re trying to take it all on yourself.

Allow me to be your helping hand with all the fiddly components of digital marketing that zap up your time. Use the arrows to discover what’s included in Digital Marketing VA services.

  • We all enjoy a limitless scroll. So, using social to grow your brand - when done right - can be life changing.

    Knowing your social media posts have been scheduled, posted and taken care of is a huge relief.

    It’s as simple as:

    👩🏼‍💻 You’ll send your content across. For content creation, take a look at the Content Creation & Management Service

    👩🏼‍💻 Provide access to your preferred social media scheduler (HubSpot, Metricool etc.)

    👩🏼‍💻 Share your content calendar

    👩🏼‍💻 Sit back with a cuppa and relax. I’ve got the rest covered.

  • Filling a spreadsheet when you’re not sure what makes a ‘good’ hashtag is a waste of time.

    With social media’s algorithms constantly changing, I make a point of keeping up to date with the latest social media trends and priorities.

    When I cover your hashtag research, I’ll take these off your to-do list:

    #️⃣ Creating a spreadsheet that makes assigning hashtags to specific posts a breeze

    #️⃣ Culminating quality hashtags in line with your content pillars that help your posts get seen

    #️⃣ Keeping up to date with any new rules or algorithms that could knock your engagement rate.

  • Posting well written and optimised blogs will bring new visitors to your website.

    And while it does take time to write blog articles, if done properly, you can start ranking in search engine results pages which pulls in traffic.

    More traffic = more growth!

    But there’s little point if you’re not optimising your posts and working with keywords that are relevant and *actually* searched for.

    Keyword research is confusing for so many business owners and takes a long time to master.

    Fast-track your increased traffic and allow me to:

    💻 Create a database of both long and short-tail keywords relevant to your brand

    💻 Explore how your competitors are using these keywords and their densities

    💻 Re-visiting your keywords routinely, adding to or removing the relevant terms to boost your chances of SEO success when you apply them.

  • Facebook groups can seem like low-maintenance at the start but once you start gaining traffic, it can become *really* time-consuming.

    But they are *so* worth the effort. Facebook groups are a hub of engagement and community, and can reap so many rewards for the growth of your brand.

    With the Digital Marketing VA Services, I’ll help you run your Facebook group by being a moderator, meaning you’re no longer required to:

    📱Scheduling events and posts

    📱Approving and denying member requests (no bots here, thank you!)

    📱Approving and denying post submissions based on your requirements

    📱Removing posts and comments that don’t adhere to your group’s rules or your brand’s values

    📱Interacting with members inside your group so they’re heard and acknowledged

    📱Pinning and unpinning relevant posts

  • Email sequences, nurture sequences,
    welcome sequences, sales sequences are a fantastic way of saving time and creating consistency. But it requires time and effort to set them up in the first place as well as monitoring the results.

    With your content and my email automation VA services, you won’t have to worry about:

    📧 Setting up your email sequences
    and formatting them, including triggers, time delays, condition tags, segmentation rules and any other conditional formatting

    📧 Monitoring your open rates and unsubscribe rates

  • Did you know that only 39% of consumers think that brands take their feedback on board?

    For brands with strong values surrounding customer care and support, this percentage just won’t do!

    By replying to your reviews - both positive and negative - you’re proving to your customers that you care.

    Though it seems a small task, it makes a huge difference.

    With BizzyBee’s Digital Marketing service, your reviews are:

    📞 Responded to in a timely manner

    📞 Written in your brand voice, adopting your brand’s personality and strategy

    📞 Published on your website, or e-commerce platform to reinforce the care you have for your buyers

  • Your website is your brand’s home base and, when set up effectively, can help your brand grow as you’re sleeping.

    So, when something goes wrong, it’s easy to panic.

    With my Digital Marketing services, your website is in safe hands. While Idon’t touch your coding, problems on your website are usually something basic that is overlooked. Don’t panic! I’ll:

    ➡️ Perform basic troubleshooting tests

    ➡️ Republish your website after the error is located and repaired

Admin and Support

Admin is a reality for every business owner and we all underestimate how much time it zaps from us. For many of us, admin is prospect we groan at. You’ll hear no groan or grumble from me!

I love admin and organisation. Let me take the fiddly tasks off your list. Use the arrows to discover what’s included in BizzyBee’s Admin and Support VA services.

  • It can become all too easy when you’re a busy business owner for documents to sit in your Downloads folder and, when needed, are almost impossible to find.

    Organising your documents in easy to find folders may feel daunting. So, hand over the reins, and I’ll work my organisation magic on:

    🗂️ Your documents including invoices, receipts, contracts, photos and other important docs.

    🗂️ Assigning documents with tags to easily search for what you’re looking for

    🗂️ Showing you in a video tutorial where to find everything you need

  • We all know how important market research is for our brand to be at the top of our game.

    With so much competition out there, we need to understand the market to grow. But so many of us don’t know where to start and find the concept of market research so daunting.

    When working on market research and data entry for your brand, you’ll receive:

    📊 Analysis of your competitors

    📊 Current market statistics Results of any of your customer satisfaction surveys in a clear spreadsheet, prepped for your analysis

    📊 Data collection for you to integrate into your business plan and strategy

  • Part of business growth is creating a team around you who share your values and work ethic.

    And while you’re hiring your team members to take the heat off your to do list, managing your team can be just as costly on your time.

    When aiding with team management, your plate is cleared from:

    ➡️ Checking in with members of your team weekly to make sure they know what’s expected of them short-term and long-term

    ➡️ Creating manageable and trackable task lists

    ➡️ Chasing team members for updates or to complete tasks

    ➡️ Schedule meetings with your team members

  • When working on multiple projects at once, it can be easy for your to-do lists to spiral and suddenly you’re left with a landslide of pages that feel almost impossible to work through.

    But separated into doable chunks of daily tasks, your to-do list is achievable.

    With added in necessary breaks, project management is a superstrength of mine.

    Let’s tackle that to-do list together.
    Allow me to:

    ➡️ Work backwards from your deadlines, organising tasks from top to bottom priority

    ➡️ Provide you with a daily and weekly task list to encourage you to meet your deadlines

    ➡️ Incorporate well-needed rest breaks daily to help you strike a healthier work/life balance

    ➡️ Build a project management board on your preferred tool (Trello, Asana etc.)

  • Running a business relies heavily on your ability to communicate with leads and customers.

    But working on daily projects, keeping your admin in order and marketing your own business leaves little time to get back to enquiries.

    With customer service and communications VA services, rest assured that I’ll:

    Deal with any customer complaints in a polite manner, resolving issues with your preferred strategy

    🗣️ Respond to customer or lead enquiries sent via email, your website or social media

    🗣️Schedule calls and consultations with potential clients

    🗣️Chase late payments and invoices

    🗣️Chase unsigned contracts and documentation

Email Management

Running a business means you’ll spend a good chunk of time reading and writing emails. But as time goes by, your inbox can get out of control, with weeds like unwanted subscriptions to newsletters and spam messages clogging up your digital space for the messages you want.

From spring-cleaning your inbox to setting up your automations, show your email a little bit of love. Use the arrows to discover what’s included in BizzyBee’s Email Management VA services

  • Communication is the superstar of your business so itʼs something you really have to nail.

    But with all the other things on your to-do list, keeping your business running takes up all your time, meaning getting back to enquiries are on the back-foot.

    Let me take care of customer service and communications so that no leaf goes unturned. Iʼll:

    📧 Handle customer complaints and make your brand the hero with our resolution

    📧 Get back to any customer or lead enquiries sitting in your email inbox or social DMs

    📧 Organise calls and meetings with future-clients

    📧 Make sure payments are paid on time and chase any outstanding invoices

    📧 Make sure all contracts and documents that need to be signed are completed on time

  • Grouping contacts by clear theme will save you time and make it all the easier to communicate quickly.

    Whether youʼre heading off on holiday, scheduling a group call with your team or reaching out to your past clients, grouped contacts mean you can send a blanket email rather than individual ones.

    When working together on target messaging and contact lists, youʼll have:

    Grouping contacts by clear theme will save you time and make it all the easier to communicate quickly.

    Whether youʼre heading off on holiday, scheduling a group call with your team or reaching out to your past clients, grouped contacts mean you can send a blanket email rather than individual ones.

    When working together on target messaging and contact lists, youʼll have:

    📧 Clear contact lists grouped by theme

    📧 Much more time for yourself

    📧 A better brand reputation that caters to the specifics of your segmented audience

  • Weʼve all been there: both in your personal inbox and business one. We all sign up for newsletters to get that coupon, guide or training video.

    And we also forget to hit ‘unsubscribe.ʼ

    In no time at all, youʼve got more unread emails than hot dinners and finding the ones you actually need is almost impossible.

    Offboard giving your inbox a spritz and return to:

    📧 A clean inbox with no spam

    📧 Being unsubscribed from newsletters that are no longer wanted or relevant to you

    📧 Emails placed in accurate and relevant folders with added filters to maintain an organised inbox

  • Email automation means two glorious things:

    1. More time for you

    2. More consistency for your subscribers

    Whether youʼre sending newsletters, nurture or welcome sequences or sales sequences, automation is your best friend.

    But setting them up can be pricey on your time and adjusting them after testing always takes longer than you first think.

    So, let me take care of it for you and Iʼll

    📧 Configure your email sequences, making sure the triggers, time delays, condition tags and segmentation are all accurate before they are sent to your subscribers.

    📧 Track your open and unsubscribe metrics.

E-commerce management

If you’re running a business that sells physical or digital products, keeping track and promoting your offers can become overwhelming.

Whether your platform of choice is Shopify, Etsy, Woocommerce, Faire or Wix, I’ll be by your side to make keeping track of your stock a breeze.

Use the arrows to discover what’s included in BizzyBee’s e-Commerce VA services

  • Start selling as soon as your stock arrives.

    With e-Commerce Management VA services, your product uploads are in the safest hands. Get back to selling while I:

    📦 Upload your products and their details to your website (including websites built on Shopify and Wix as well as third-party sites like Etsy, Faire, Ankorstore, Gumroad, Teemill and RedBubble.)

    📦 Upload product images and mockups, your prepared product descriptions, pricing details and attach any relevant reviews.

    📦 Format and add relevant tags, shipping details and categories

    📦 Assign SKUs to fit with your master inventory sheet.

    📦 Create a master inventory spreadsheet if you donʼt yet have one.

    📦 Test and retest to ensure the order process is error-free

  • Keep on top of your stock and get selling as soon as you can.

    When youʼve got me on your team, you no longer have to waste time:

    📦 Updating your stock list and inventory, knowing every time you add to your stock itʼll be logged for you (including SKU codes.)

    📦 Doing weekly/monthly stock checks so you can see at a glance what stock needs refilling

    📦 Using up-to-date inventory details to create wholesale catalogues and pitch decks

  • We all want our website to bring in sales while weʼre doing our own thing, which is why we put so much importance on it.

    So, if something isnʼt working as it should, we go into panic mode.

    When youʼve got my e-Commerce Management services, Iʼll protect your website from basic problems that are causing a halt to your websiteʼs performance.

    So, donʼt worry! Iʼll:

    Put your site through some basic testing for troubleshooting

    After finding and solving the error, republish your website so it can get back to being your sales- generating machine.

  • Your leads can quickly transform into your customers, which - when treated well - can then turn into raving fans.

    So, itʼs important to treat ‘em right. The first key lesson? Knowing who they are and keeping this list up to date.

    With me at your side, youʼll have:

    Up to date lead transfers and uploads; with a collection of as many of their details as possible, to Hubspot and Capsule

  • If your brandʼs core values surround your customers feeling heard and supported, youʼll already know how important it is to listen to their feedback.

    Replying to reviews might not feel like a big deal, but it reiterates to your customers that you care, that youʼre here to listen and grow from what they have to say.

    So, even though it seems like a little thing, for your customers it makes such a big difference.

    When youʼre working with me on your digital marketing, Iʼll make sure all of your reviews are:

    Replied to quickly in your brandʼs voice, making sure the reviewʼs writer feels heard

    Updated on your website along with their replies to build your social proof and quality of customer care.

Neurodivergence in business support

With the support of someone who understands neurodivergence and its intricacies, navigating daily life as a business owner and the struggles that come with it becomes so much more manageable and efficient.

Use the arrows to discover what’s included in BizzyBee’s Neurodivergence in Business Support VA services

  • One of the most challenging areas of business is to manage daily tasks without procrastination.

    When working with me, rest assured that youʼll get:

    ✔️ Scheduled reminders for deadlines and events

    ✔️ Weekly check-ins

    ✔️ Scheduled focus time to build weekly timetables

    ✔️ Calls where Iʼm your soundboard to both explore creative ideas and organise your thoughts

    ✔️ Body doubling for 11 support, cheering you on at every stage

    ✔️ Give you reassurance and put a stop to overthinking, helping to reduce anxiety and procrastination.

    ✔️ Encourage you to move forward, breaking the cycle of doing the same tasks but going nowhere.

  • Content - in whatever form it comes in - is such a key part of daily life. Businesses that make use of it see growth fast.

    But keeping on track and maintaining consistency is a hard ask when youʼve got a thousand other jobs to be working on.

    Knowing your social media posts and blogs have been scheduled, posted and taken care of is a huge relief.

    Managing and scheduling content is as simple as:

    Content - in whatever form it comes in, is such an key part of daily life. Businesses that make use of it see growth fast.

    But keeping on track and maintaining consistency is a hard ask when youʼve got a thousand other jobs to be working on.

    Knowing your social media posts and blogs have been scheduled, posted and taken care of is a huge relief.

    Managing and scheduling content is as simple as:

    ✔️ Youʼll send your content to me. For more details about content creation, take a look at the Content Creation & Management Service

    ✔️ Grant me access to your preferred social media scheduler HubSpot, Metricool etc) or make use of mine

    ✔️ Share your content calendar Iʼll schedule and format your pre-written blog articles

    ✔️ Meta-data - titles and descriptions - are covered for you.

    ✔️ Iʼll schedule events and organise the little details

    ✔️ When inspiration strikes, Iʼll make sure youʼre posting content consistently and help to build a content bank. So, if burnout strikes, you have a whole range of content to lean on

  • With so much already on your plate, neglecting your CRM platform and website is totally understandable.

    But that comes with its disadvantages. Your CRM system is the prime place to nurture and understand your leads.

    Your website is the busy hub and digital home base of your business.

    Neither one of them should be neglected.

    So, hand me the reins and Iʼll:

    ✔️ Maintain and update your website (no matter what type of business you own)

    With so much already on your plate, neglecting your CRM platform and website is totally understandable.

    But that comes with its disadvantages. Your CRM system is the prime place to nurture and understand your leads.

    Your website is the busy hub and digital home base of your business.

    Neither one of them should be neglected.

    So, hand me the reins and Iʼll:

    ✔️ Maintain and update your website (no matter what type of business you own)

    ✔️ Maintain and update your CRM system, adding relevant tags where necessary to make the lead-to-customer process simple and visible

Packages and pricing

You pay as you grow

The Worker Bee

From as little as £30 per calendar month due before the task begins, I’ll be your second pair of hands. With zero tie-in fees and contracts, you’re free to use my VA services to tie up loose ends for as long as you need me.

It’s all up to you

The Bee-Spoke Package

Every business is different and so are their owners! Just fill in the contact form and I’ll send you an email to book a virtual chat over a brew. We’ll chat about what you’re looking for and the best way I can help you. So, fill in the contact form and let’s win back your time.

You breathe easy for 6 months

The Honey Package

For the next 6 months, wake up knowing that the tasks you don’t want to do are taken care of. Simply make your payment on the 1st working day of each month and I’ll get bizzy. With this package, you’re prioritised for our contract’s lifespan.

Get to know your virtual assistant

Choosing a virtual assistant that mirrors your working style, ethics and morals and personality is an important decision. We’ll be chatting on a regular basis, after all. Head over to my About page or my socials to learn a little more about your Virtual Assistant.

Or, if you’re ready, fill in the Contact Form and let’s begin our journey together. Allow me to help you win back your time, headspace and sanity: all while wearing the brightest and most colourful dungarees possible!