Hi! I’m Erin, owner of Bizzybee Virtual & Social Media Assistant services.

A woman with red hair, dressed in colorful striped overalls and black combat boots, sits smiling on a metal staircase. She provides Social media virtual assistant services.

I’m here to save your time & creativity by doing the tasks that drain you the most

I launched BizzyBee for creative freelancers, small businesses and entrepreneurs. For people who refuse to waste their life sitting behind a desk begging the clock to fast-forward to 5 o’clock. Business owners who are drowning in admin and struggling to resurface. Creative entrepreneurs and freelancers who, despite posting consistently on social media, aren’t getting results. Entrepreneurs and freelancers like you, who have faced creative block because of the mundane, repetitive tasks that - while infuriating - play a leading role in your business success.

When I was a little’un, I’d play teacher just so I could create & organise worksheets

When I was a little’un, I’d play teacher just so I could create & organise worksheets. So, I suppose you could say I’ve always been a bit of an #organisationgeek. As I grew older, playing pretend was frowned upon. So, I did it for real and became a Higher Level Teaching Assistant. The days of researching, creating unique lessons that were differentiated, and organising (colour coding is my favourite) resources and lesson plans for teachers are all lessons I’ve taken into my business now. Plus, a whole lot more. And, getting up and engaging with kids nurtured and allowed me to show my fun side. Something I make sure goes into my social media marketing in spades. I loved it. Truly. But - as cliche as it sounds - I felt there was something missing. 

Like you, I had that entrepreneurial fire in my belly. And it was too hot to ignore.

A woman with glasses and a headband is kneeling on a leaf-covered path, surrounded by trees. She is smiling and holding two dogs, one brown and one golden, in a serene outdoor setting. She is a Creative virtual assistant.

I launched a business. But my clients were a tad fluffier than yours

The only thing I love as much as organising, creating and social media are dogs. So, I launched a doggy boarding & day-care brand. And I’m proud to say that it took off. But there’s a but.

I catapulted myself into entrepreneurship. Just like you did. And, even though I loved the admin & social media marketing side of business-building, I was astounded by how big a role it played in my brand’s success. Even as someone who loves organising and admin tasks, I’ll be 100% honest and admit that I missed out on growth opportunities because of how easy it is to fall behind.

woman with red hair, wearing glasses and a blue hoodie, is sitting in a wheelchair holding a small brown dog. She is smiling, and behind her, a person stands on a forest path.

Running a business showed me how much weight your business tasks & social media marketing carries

The challenge of balancing my business tasks & showing up every day on social media was exhausting. But it acted as a springboard for my business, BizzyBee Virtual and social media assistant. I threw all I had into my brand. And while I found it tough to keep on top of the never-ending plate spinning you’re experiencing now, I was proud of what I’d achieved. But then, an injury changed everything.

That trauma - as well as the physical impact - changed my entire life. After back surgery, I had no choice but to give up on the pups. I couldn’t walk them properly or dedicate the energy & attention every dog and their owner deserved. It’s a physically demanding thing - looking after dogs. But I realised - in that moment - I wasn’t going to be defined by my disability. I wouldn’t give up on business-building or my creative thinking.

I pivoted, focusing on my other two true loves: social media marketing and business. Despite being the Queen Bee of organisation (based on a fictional but 100% accurate study), I had found handling the balance challenging in my dog business. And I thrive on those tasks.

So, how must you feel when you despise it so much?

And so, BizzyBee was born

BizzyBee - a virtual and social media assistance service from Cheshire in the UK - came to life. It focuses on sorting out the tasks that could sprout like ivy, weeding their way around your business growth. When all’s said and done, your business is here to make a change in the world But how can you set fire to your industry if your social media & admin are holding the match permanently? Hand me your matches. You’ve got sparks to create. Do what you were made to do. Run your business without letting your certain business tasks run all over you.

Let me guess why you launched your business

Because every creative freelancer and entrepreneur takes the leap of faith to:

✅ Do the creative freelancing work you love, all day, every day.

✅ Break through your income limits.

✅ Earn what you deserve

✅ Set your own working hours so you can make memories and work to live. Not live to work.

✅ Find that golden, entrepreneurial freedom that you keep hearing about.