Erin Buck

Jan 2, 20233 min

How creative businesses can kick start their productivity in 2023

It’s a new year — the perfect time for any creative business to reset and get ready to ramp up its productivity levels.

And being more productive doesn’t have to be daunting. Here are some handy ways to launch yourself into 2023 and start as you mean to go on!

Refresh your space

While it might seem counterintuitive, spending a little bit of time on changing up your physical space could put you in a better mindset to work more productively. Having a quick spruce-up can make your workspace more inviting — even if it’s just tidying up some paperwork, adding some plants, or moving your desk to a new position.

A dedicated home office, workshop or studio can do wonders for your motivation.

Reflect on last year

Before looking forward to 2023, it can be helpful to reflect on the last year.

What were your successes? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? Did you reach any goals you set?

As a creative business owner, reflection can be useful for showing you how far you’ve come — and that in itself can prompt you to keep the momentum going.

Set ambitious but realistic goals

Once you’ve reflected on 2022, consider what you want to achieve this year. Do you have a vision for where you want to be by the end of 2023? If so, it’s helpful to break that vision down into ambitious but realistic goals. Try using the SMART model, setting goals that are:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Relevant

  • Time-bound

These goals will help ensure your targets don’t feel daunting and will give you checkpoints to work towards throughout the year.

Prioritise tasks

Another way to kickstart your productivity in the New Year is to focus on prioritising tasks. Just like breaking large goals into smaller ones, prioritising tasks can help you achieve big things in a manageable way.

To-do lists are a great way to organise your creative business. But a long to-do list can be overwhelming. And picking tasks randomly can mean that vital jobs get left behind.

Whether you opt for daily, weekly or monthly to-do lists, try to prioritise them in a way that’s most beneficial to your creative business.

Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog outlines a method to help prioritise tasks by getting the daunting ones out of the way first. It’s a handy system that means you can start the day, week or year productively and get on a roll immediately.


Running a creative business involves spinning a lot of plates, but if you want to expand, it’s important to recognise that you can’t do it all on your own! As well as prioritising task orders, prioritising the best jobs for you to focus on can boost your productivity. Which aspects of the business are vital for you to do?

Consider if there are any tasks you can delegate.

Whether it’s blog writing, social media management, admin, or even posting parcels, outsourcing can take the pressure off and give you the space to focus on high-priority jobs that are central to your role.

A virtual assistant could be the perfect person to handle those extra tasks.

Support from Bizzybee

However you decide to kickstart your creative business’s productivity in 2023, Bizzybee is here to help.

From managing your online platforms and curating email newsletters to market research and lifestyle management, Erin is an experienced virtual assistant (VA) who can take on outsourced tasks so you can be as productive as possible.

Learn more about Erin’s VA services.

Happy New Year!
